Graphic Designer & Illustrator
Children's Home Brochure.jpg

The Children's Home

Tri-Fold Brochure for
Local Children’s Organization

Founded in 1863 in Baltimore City, The Children’s Home has undergone several name changes and relocations over the years, but has maintained a commitment to at-risk youth both within and outside of the traditional family structure. Since moving to its Catonsville location in 1924, The Children’s Home has expanded its range of care and programs in order to provide the best possible level of support in addressing childhood trauma. According to their website, the Children’s Home’s mission statement is as follows:

“The Children’s Home provides residential and community services to promote long-term well-being and success for young people and families who experience disruption in their lives.”

In order to support this organization I designed a tri-fold brochure printed on standard 8.5”x11” letter-sized paper, that contains information on how to support the organization, both through volunteering and donations. The intended purpose of this brochure is to encourage action on the part of the recipients and to garner practical support for The Children’s Home. While community activities like the family 5K and crab feast are generally well-attended, consistent year round support is imperitave to an organization like The Children’s Home, and this brochure was specifically designed to be as evergreen as possible in order to reduce production costs and make it easier on the organization to reuse it in the future.